


Our goal at Georgia Tech is to conduct outreach with local organizations in order to fundraise and provide the necessary equipment and/or training for neurosurgical procedures in various parts of the world. We aim to provide our members with volunteer opportunities, knowledge about different healthcare systems across the world, and access to exclusive lectures and meetings with mission:brain neurosurgeons and partners.

Below are the descriptions for each of the committees in mission:brain:
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- Contact researchers and hospitals to find potential problems that need to be solved in clinical settings
- Split into groups to research/interview users and develop innovative solutions 
- Attend technical workshops to enhance your skills in the design process
- Use your ideas to enter CREATE-X and InVenture Prize

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- Organize events to host on campus to raise money and awareness for mission:brain
- Obtain funding from other organizations (e.g. SGA, Parents Fund)
- Partner up with Outreach and other organizations to host events
- Reach out to local organizations and plan volunteer events
- Social media campaigns

Contact Information

Contact Email E: mission.brain.gt@gmail.com